hello@boldvets.co.uk 01744 820505 Bold Veterinary Clinic, 416 Leach Lane, Sutton Leach, St.Helens, Merseyside, WA9 4NA


We highly recommend following the national recommendations for vaccinating your pet.


Puppies are routinely vaccinated against Distemper, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus, Viral Hepatitis and Parainfluenza. The initial course is two injections with an interval of 2-4 weeks between them.

Annual booster vaccinations are given along with a complete health check. Dogs can also be vaccinated against kennel cough. The advice is to have the vaccine at least two weeks before boarding in kennels and any other environment they will be in close proximity to other dogs.This vaccination lasts for a year and is given via nose drops. As the vaccination lasts a year, it can be done at the same time as their annual booster, providing protection and saving costs for an additional appointment.


We routinely vaccinate against “cat flu” and feline leukaemia virus. The initial injection is given at 9 weeks and then the second 3-4 weeks later.
Annual booster vaccinations are given along with a complete health check examination.


Rabbits can now be vaccinated from five weeks of age against Myxomatosis and Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD) using a single combined vaccine.
These are both serious and fatal diseases so we highly recommend vaccinating your rabbit against them. Annual boosters are given along with a complete health check examination.

We highly recommend following the national recommendations for vaccinating your pet. The reduction in these life threatening illnesses is due to pet owners vaccinating their pets. If less people vaccinate. then we will see a reemergence of these fatal diseases in our beloved pets.

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Bold Veterinary Clinic, 416 Leach Lane, Sutton Leach, St.Helens, Merseyside, WA9 4NA


01744 820505